The Greasers

The greasers Ponyboy Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, Darry Curtis, Two-bit, Dally, and Johnny are all different but this is what keeps them together.

Ponyboy Curtis

Full Name: Ponyboy Curtis
Hair color: Light Brown
Eye color: Greenish-Grey
Family: Sodapop and Darry Curtis
Personality: Quiet, nice, likes books and movies
Important roles in the book: He Narrates the book and he is the protagonist in the book along with Johnny

Amount of grease in hair:  5/10

Sodapop Curtis

Full Name: Sodapop Curtis
Age: 16
Hair color: Dark Gold
Eye color: Dark Brown
Family: Ponyboy and Darry Curtis
Personality: Sensitive and kind and loves his family
Important roles in the book: He is Ponyboys brother and holds his family together with love

Amount of grease in hair: 7/10

Darry Curtis

Full Name: Darrel "Darry" Curtis
Age: 20
Height: 6'2"
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Blue Green
Family: Ponyboy and Sodapop Curtis
Personality: very grown up, muscular
Important roles in the book:Like a  father to Pontboy and Sodapop and he partook in an event that changed Ponyboy and the whole gangs futures.

Amount of grease in hair: 5/10


Full Name: Keith "Two-Bit" Mathews
Age: 18
Height: 6'
Hair color: rusty colored
Eye color: gray
Family: The gang
Personality: wise cracker
Important roles in the book: two-bit is there to lighten the mood when needed

Amount of grease in hair:  7/10

Dally Winston

Full Name: Dallas "Dally" Winston
Hair color: White blond 
Eye color: icy blue
Family: The gang
Personality: sharp teeth, ran with gangs in new york, tough
Important roles in the book: dally is very protective of johnny

Amount of grease in hair:  0/10

Johnny Cade

Full Name: Johnny Cade
Age: 16
Hair color: Black
Eye color: black
Family: The gang
Personality: Quiet, big black eyes, good listener
Important roles in the book: Johnny is one of the main characters in the book and end ups killing a soc and dies from serious burns

Amount of grease in hair: n/a